- Scottish Rite answers many questions raised in Symbolic Blue Lodges.
- Scottish Rite degrees provide additional understanding of the meaning of Freemasonry and its basic principles through the use of drama and appeal to the eye as well as the ear.
- Scottish Rite emphasizes time-tested moral lessons and virtues which make man worth-while and the world a better place in which we live.
- Scottish Rite work is always conducted in an atmosphere of reverence and dignity.
- Scottish Rite membership will enlarge your circle of Masonic acquaintances and provide additional opportunities for congenial fellowship.
- Scottish Rite affords varied opportunities for active service in keeping with the talents of each member.
- Scottish Rite through its benevolences not only assists members in distress but has established a program designed to benefit all mankind.
- Scottish Rite, an international organization, continues its work for better understanding among nations and a just and peaceful world.
If You Are Not a Mason
Before you can join the Scottish Rite, you first must become a Master Mason in a Lodge under a Grand Lodge that belongs to the Conference of Grand Masters in North America (COGMINA) or to a Grand Lodge recognized by a COGMINA Grand Lodge.
Maryland Residents may Contact the Grand Lodge Of Maryland for more information.
If You Are a Blue Lodge Mason
The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is commonly known as the Scottish Rite. It is one of several groups that are part of the worldwide fraternity known as Freemasonry. The Scottish Rite is the largest and most widely practiced Masonic Rite in the world and employs a Lodge system.
It is our mission to improve its members and enhance the communities in which they live by teaching and emulating the principles of Brotherly Love, Tolerance, Charity, and Truth while actively embracing high social, moral, and spiritual values including fellowship, compassion, and dedication to God, family and country.
While there is no Masonic degree more important than that of Master Mason, there is a long tradition—almost as old as Freemasonry—of “high degrees” that expand upon and elaborate the teachings and lessons of the first three degrees. The Scottish Rite degrees teach a series of moral lessons culminating in the 32°, Master of the Royal Secret. The Scottish Rite provides many opportunities to continue a Master Mason’s education.
To join the Scottish Rite you must:
- be a Master Mason in good standing in a regular lodge;
- complete a petition and include the appropriate fee;
- attend a “Reunion” where the Scottish Rite Degrees are conferred.
Interested in Joining?
Click HERE to Complete a Petition Online or Click HERE to Download a Petition