Event Information:

  • Sun

    Combined Installation and Capping Ceremony

    2:00 pmMasonic Temple, 15 Greene Street, Cumberland, MD 21502

    The joint installation of the Cumberland Scottish Rite Bodies and the Capping Ceremony for the newest members of the Valley of Cumberland will be held on Sunday, January 7, 2018 at the Masonic Temple, 15 Greene Street, Cumberland. The ceremony is open to all members, their families, and guests.

    2:00 pm - Combined Installation and Capping Ceremony
    3:30 pm - Dinner

    Reservations and payment of $15 are due by January 2, 2018. RSVP and pay online by clicking the button below or call Secretary Jerry Robinette at 301-729-6778.

    Eventbrite - Combined Installation & Capping Ceremony