Sun06Jan20192:00 pmMasonic Temple, 15 Greene Street, Cumberland, MD
The joint installation of the Cumberland Scottish Rite Bodies will be held on Monday, January 6, 2019 at the Masonic Temple, 15 Greene Street, Cumberland. The ceremony is open to all members, their families, and guests.
2:00 pm - Ceremony of Installation
3:00 pm - Dinner
Click HERE to purchase dinner tickets
Sat02Feb20195:00 pmMasonic Temple, 15 Greene Street, Cumberland, MD 21502
Join the Knights of the Cumberland Knights of St. Andrew for our annual Burns Supper celebrating the life and poetry of Bro. Robert “Rabbie” Burns.
Featuring musical guests Shanty Irish
Purchase tickets below or click HERE for more details.
Sun24Mar20192:00 pmCumberland Masonic Temple
The Ceremony of Lights for the Cumberland Scottish Rite will be held on Sunday, March 24, 2019 at 2:00 pm at the Masonic Temple, Greene Street, Cumberland.
Chapters of Rose Croix traditionally observe this Ceremony of Remembrance and Renewal, including the Mystic Banquet, as a memorial service honoring the Knights of their Chapter who have passed on during the preceding year.
This observance strengthens the ties of brotherly love, past and present. We meet together to break the bread of fraternity, to reconcile ourselves with those we may have offended, and to drink the wine of refreshment and renewal. Thus, we celebrate the lives of our departed Brethren and promise to abide by the New Law, the Law of Love, with our present Brethren and all mankind.
2:00 pm - Ceremony of Remembrance and Renewal
3:00 pm - Dinner
Reservations and payment of $15 are due by March 20, 2019. Payment may be made online by clicking "Tickets" above or by mailing a check payable to "Cumberland Scottish Rite" to the following address:
Reservations and payment of $15 are due by March 20, 2019. Payment may be made online at the link below or by mailing a check payable to "Cumberland Scottish Rite" to the following address:
Jerome Robinette
73 LaVale Blvd
LaVale, MD 21502 -
Fri12Apr20197:00 PM - 9:00 PMAllegany College of Maryland, Dr. Robert Zimmer Theater, 12401 Willowbrook Road SE, Cumberland, MD 21502
The Cumberland Scottish Rite Presents:
"A-Thing-A-Ma-Jig": A Showcase of Local Talent
Join us for the 17th Annual "A-Thing-A-Ma-Jig" showcasing local talent in support of the RiteCare Early Childhood Language Disorders Clinic at the Children's League.
Since being established in 1997 by the Cumberland Scottish Rite in association with the League for Crippled Children (now the Children's League), Cumberland's RiteCare Early Childhood Language Disorders clinic has provided diagnostic evaluation and treatment of speech and langugate disoders free of charge to hundreds of children from Cumberland and the surrounding region.
Allegany College of Maryland
Dr. Robert Zimmer Theater
Friday, April 12, 2019 - 7:00 PMAdmission:
$10 - Adults
$5 - Children 12 and UnderClick the Link Below to purchase tickets online or contact Jerry Robinette at 301-729-6778.
Sat04May20195:00 pmAli Ghan Shrine Club, 13100 Ali Ghan Road NE, Cumberland, MD 21502