Mon16Jan20176:00 pmMasonic Temple, 15 Greene Street, Cumberland, MD
The joint installation of the Cumberland Scottish Rite Bodies will be held on Monday, January 16, 2017 at the Masonic Temple, 15 Greene Street, Cumberland. The ceremony is open to all members, their families, and guests.
6:00 pm - Social Hour
6:30 pm - Dinner
7:30 pm - Ceremony of Installation
Purchase tickets at the link below or click HERE for more information.
Sat04Feb20175:00 pmAli Ghan Shrine Center, 13100 Ali Ghan Rd NE, Cumberland, MD 21502
Join the Knights of the Cumberland Knights of St. Andrew for our annual Burns Supper celebrating the life and poetry of Bro. Robert “Rabbie” Burns.
Featuring musical guests “The Sound of Sleat”
Purchase tickets below or click HERE for more details.
Sun12Mar20172:00 pmCumberland Masonic Temple
The Ceremony of Lights for the Cumberland Scottish Rite will be held on Sunday, March 12, 2017 at 2:00 pm at the Masonic Temple, Greene Street, Cumberland.
Chapters of Rose Croix traditionally observe this Ceremony of Remembrance and Renewal, including the Mystic Banquet, as a memorial service honoring the Knights of their Chapter who have passed on during the preceding year.
This observance strengthens the ties of brotherly love, past and present. We meet together to break the bread of fraternity, to reconcile ourselves with those we may have offended, and to drink the wine of refreshment and renewal. Thus, we celebrate the lives of our departed Brethren and promise to abide by the New Law, the Law of Love, with our present Brethren and all mankind.
2:00 pm - Ceremony of Remembrance and Renewal
3:00 pm - Dinner
Reservations and payment of $15 are due by March 5, 2017. Payment may be made online by clicking "Tickets" above or by mailing a check payable to "Cumberland Scottish Rite" to the following address:
Joe Kennedy
1305 Pittsburgh Ave.
Oakland MD 21550Questions: 440-452-6617
Fri07Apr20175:00 pm1716 Underpass Way, Hagerstown, MD 21740Hagerstown Friend to Friend Night
Do you know a good candidate for the Scottish Rite?The Scottish Rite Club of Washington County is hosting an evening of fun and fellowship for Masons, their families, friends, and anyone who is interested in learning more about Masonry! We will be providing information for non-Masons on how to become a Mason and for Masons on the Scottish Rite.There will be happy hour fun food and if you stay for dinner you will receive a discount from the Fireside Restaurant.
Bring a worthy brother to learn how he can to take advantage of this rare opportunity to petition to the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite at a 50% discount!
The Fireside Restaurant and Lounge
1716 Underpass Way
Hagerstown, MD 21740When?
Friday, April 7th
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
This event is FREE, casual, and open to the public!More info: 301-733-7277 -
Thu13Apr20177:30 amMasonic Temple, 13 Greene Street, Cumberland, MD 21502
Unlock the mysteries with the Cumberland Scottish Rite!
The Cumberland Scottish Rite Spring 2017 Convocation and Reunion is coming soon. We hope you will join us in welcoming our newest Masters of the Royal Secret and reconnecting with your Scottish Rite brethren!The event is free for Scottish Rite members, but reservations are required.
Fri21Apr20177:15 pmAllegany College of Maryland, 12401 Willowbrook Road SE, Cumberland, MD 21502
The Cumberland Scottish Rite Presents:
"A-Thing-A-Ma-Jig": A Showcase of Local Talent
Join us for the 15th Annual "A-Thing-A-Ma-Jig" showcasing local talent in support of the RiteCare Early Childhood Language Disorders Clinic at the Children's League.
Since being established in 1997 by the Cumberland Scottish Rite in association with the League for Crippled Children (now the Children's League), Cumberland's RiteCare Early Childhood Language Disorders clinic has provided diagnostic evaluation and treatment of speech and langugate disoders free of charge to hundreds of children from Cumberland and the surrounding region.
Allegany College of Maryland
Dr. Robert Zimmer Theater
Friday, April 21, 2017 - 7:30 PMAdmission:
$10 - Adults
$5 - Children 12 and UnderFor more information, contact Jerry Robinette at 301-729-6778.
Sat06May20175:15 pmAli Ghan Shrine Club, 13100 Ali Ghan Rd NE, Cumberland, MD 21502
Sun21May20172:00 pmMasonic Temple, 15 Greene Street, Cumberland, MD 21502
Join us in welcoming new members into the Scottish Rite and
honoring those who have served our Valley with distinction! We are looking forward to a very special presentation of a 75 Year Service Award on a brother of our Valley.Let us show our brethren how great is to be a Scottish Rite Freemason!
The Spring Capping ceremony is open to Scottish Rite Freemasons, Master Masons, and guests.
Reservations are required no later than Wednesday, May 17th in order to provide an accurate dinner count. You may submit your RSVP by clicking HERE or by calling the Secretary-Registrar, Jerry Robinette, at 301-729-6778. We will accept any payments due at the door.
Mon05Jun20176:30 pmMasonic Temple, 15 Greene Street, Cumberland, MD 21502
The first Monday in June marks the date of our annual Covered Dish Strawberry Night and we hope you are making plans to attend this year! This is always a special evening for members and their families. The only cost of admission is a covered dish, vegetable, or salad. The entree and drinks will be provided and, of course, plenty of fresh strawberries and ice cream!
Take a chance to win a spot on the Scottish Rite Team in the Children's League Golf Tournament! We will be selecting team members during our Strawberry Night and you must be present to earn a spot on a team!
Let us know if you plan to attend so we can be sure to prepare enough strawberries!
You may RSVP by clicking HERE or by calling the Secretary-Registrar, Jerry Robinette, at 301-729-6778.
Fri16Jun20176:30 pm58 E. Washington Street, Hagerstown, MD 21740
Join the Scottish Rite Club of Washington County for an evening of fun and fellowship featuring a selection of wild game and craft beers from Samuel Adams Brewing!
The menu will include:
Oxtail Soup
Wild Boar Meatballs
Bison Steak
This event is open to the public.
When: Friday, June 16th at 6:00 pm
Where: Academy Theater, 58 E. Washington Street, Hagerstown, MD
Dress: Casual - Kilts are encouraged!
Tickets $50 per person
Reservations are required and space is limited!
Register online below or by Phone at 301-876-0806.
All reservations and payment must be received no later than June 10, 2017.
Mon24Jul20176:00 pmChurchill Pub & Restaurant, 14514 McMullen Hwy, Cresaptown, MD 21502